Research Projects
Research Projects
We conduct research programs regarding the current state and future projections of analytical instruments by request from organizations such as the Japan Machinery Federation.
Track record of the past 7 years:
- Survey of "Subjects and Prospects for the Analytical Instrument Industry" (2011, 2012)
- Survey of analytical instruments and their techniques to advence the building of recycling-oriented society (Analytical technologies and measurements for the evaluating and promoting 3R (Recycle, Reuseand Reduce)) (2010)
- Survey of anlytical technologies and measurements demanding on the next generation's industrial R&D (2009)
- Survey of analytical technologies and measuements to promote the industriallization with new materials (2008)
- Survey of automation of analysis to accelerate the commerciallization of next-generation Industry (2007)
- Survey of technical trends for sensors or other devices to utilize screening tests and analyses (2006)

Analytical Instruments Guidebooks,
and study and research reports

Japan Analytical Instruments
Manufacturers' Association Standards