
Statistical Data of Analytical Instruments Production / Export (FY2022)

Classification of Instruments Production Export
(Unit:K JPY)
Over the
year (%)
(Unit:K JPY)
Over the
year (%)
laboratory use
Electrochemical analyzers 2,294,820 94.7 464,547 92.5
Optical and
spectrophotometric analyzers
25,973,160 108.5 11,364,004 113.1
Electromagnetic analyzers 243,775,145 116.8 178,172,645 119.5
Separation analysis apparatus 69,240,367 124.7 36,772,465 119.7
・Enriched・Extracter apparatus
493,884 87.8 150,940 96.5
Thermal analyzers and
thermal measuring instruments
4,332,609 123.1 1,009,449 143.9
Specialized measuring instruments 5,675,114 103.8 2,856,943 105.0
Miscellaneous analytical instruments
for laboratory use
(Including parts,accessories)
2,187,862 106.1 593,481 125.5
Subtotal 353,972,961 117.1 231,384,474 119.0
Analytical instruments
environmental monitoring
Air pollution analyzers(including
Automotive emission analyzers)
19,002,649 97.6 8,178,367 105.8
Water pollution analyzers 4,443,728 90.8 2,109,802 90.0
Miscellaneous analytical instruments
for environmental pollution
(Including parts,accessories)
2,168,423 110.0 933,811 118.2
Subtotal 25,614,800 97.3 11,221,980 103.3
Analytical instruments for process use 6,185,634 103.9 2,288,691 128.4
Analytical instruments for working
environmental and safeguarding use
19,797,228 126.7 9,260,449 155.2
Clinical test instruments and system Clinical chemistry and Immunology analyzer 166,848,409 129.5 141,188,273 132.9
Hematology analyzer (Blood cell
counter, Coagulation analyzer etc.)
63,417,907 111.9 54,931,331 110.5
General Inspection equipment's. (Urinalysis Analyzers,
fecal occult blood system etc.)
24,286,020 90.4 15,634,372 91.0
Other IVDs 14,498,359 70.3 11,820,662 80.2
Subtotal 269,050,695 115.5 223,574,638 119.0
Automation related instruments
and information systems
1,822,583 113.2 85,308 82.3
Bio technology-related analytical instruments 8,951,111 96.9 8,281,455 103.5
Analytical instruments for Food 0 *<-> 0 *<->
Miscellaneous analytical instruments
for medical use
1,245,639 109.5 91,990 114.5
Total 686,640,651 115.4 486,188,985 118.9

1. *<->:no previous data

Trends of Production / Export